Outdoor wood stove installation: safety, use and types of stoves}

Buying and installing a wood stove outdoors requires some knowledge and information about, for example, the placement of the stove. As the efficiency of wood stoves is often quite high, factors such as safety and placement are important things to consider. In this blog, we would like to answer the most frequently asked questions about wood stoves.

What are the advantages of a wood stove?

Wood stoves are energy-efficient and simple, as burning wood is quite effective for heat output. They are also relatively cheap to run, as wood is an affordable and renewable fuel. Moreover, wood stoves emit pleasant heat and create a cosy atmosphere.

With a wood stove under your canopy, you will turn your garden into an extra living room where you can spend the whole winter. Combine the cool autumn with cosiness and warmth by means of an efficient wood stove in the garden.

Can you install a wood-burning stove yourself?

Good to know is that the wood stoves in our range are for outdoor use only. It is advisable to have the wood stove installed by specialists. If you extend the stove pipe through the roof, take into account the heat emission of the stove pipe and be well informed about the required protection for your roof. Because of the high efficiency of a wood stove, it is advisable to think carefully about which wood stove best suits your outdoor space.

What is the best wood for an outdoor wood stove?

Firing a wood stove is mainly done to get a lot of heat from the stove. To develop as little smoke as possible, using dry wood is important. The different types of firewood each have their own advantages.

Oak or ash wood has a long burn time and gives off a lot of heat. However, this requires more wood for a good fire. Soft woods such as birch or alder will burn faster but have a lower heat output.

So for long-lasting warmth during a cold winter evening, oak or ash is the best type of wood to use.

Can a wood stove be installed under a canopy?

The wood stoves in our range are intended for outdoor use only. To give the stove a permanent place under the roof, you can extend the stove pipe through the roof with a double-walled roof transit. This allows you to discharge the smoke from the outdoor stove and you can feel free to fire up the wood stove without the inconvenience of smoke. Note: not every garden stove can be used as a solid wood stove. It is important to use the right materials when passing through the stove pipe to install everything safely.

When buying and installing a wood stove, it is wise to look carefully at the following points:

  • Power

  • The efficiency

  • The placement

  • The use

  • Maintenance

These factors are important when buying and also using an outdoor stove. So you can use the outdoor stove in your garden all winter with peace of mind. Do you have more questions about the types of wood stoves in our range, their use or installation? Feel free to contact us, we are happy to think along with you.