Barbecook Quick Start® System

Barbecook Quickstart systeem


Barbeque within 15 minutes with the Barbecook QuickStart® lighting system

The garden is nowadays more than just a place where trees, shrubs and plants grow and bloom. It is a real outdoor room and especially during the summer months we spend many hours there. Because one thing is certain; outdoor life and outdoor cooking is completely hot today and the possibilities are enormous. One swears by a smoker, the other by a traditional barbecue.

Quickly lighting a charcoal barbecue

For the latter category of people, and especially the lovers of a charcoal barbecue, there is good news. With the charcoal barbecues of the brand Barbecook, lighting the barbecue is not only much easier, but also much faster! With the unique, patented QuickStart® lighting system, your charcoal barbecue is ready for use within 15 minutes.

The Barbecook Quickstart® system makes the use of production products completely unnecessary. To ignite the barbecue, you only need some newsprint and long matches!

How does the Barbecook QuickStart® lighting system work?

The handy QuickStart® system in the lighting pipe ensures that charcoal barbecue is at the right temperature in no time. You have glowing hot briquettes in about 15 minutes!

You can light your barbecue in just three easy steps:

1. Stop newsprint in the lighting pipe
2. Scatter charcoal in the tub
3. Insert the paper with the production wick / matches via the special input

View a short instruction video below:


When is your barbecue ready to grill?